
St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Aspire to be more

Year One 2016-2017

National Poetry Day

Anti-bullying Week, 14th - 18th November - Workshop pictures and our Anti-bullying display.

Our Great Fire Of London Houses, Wednesday 16th November

The Great Fire Of London, burning the houses we made, Tuesday 22nd November

January 2017, Growing plants

Tuesday 17th January.We played a game and labelled flowers we made from bun cases and pipe cleaners! Look how much our plants have grown!!

25th January,Are trees plants? We found out that they are. We made our own trees with roots, branches, trunks, leaves and buds out of junk!

Our Class Assembly, Special People, Thursday 2nd February.

Tuesday 7th February, Look how our plants are growing!!

RE, Meals, February 2017, What special meals do you eat?

Our New Topic - 'Family Album' Monday 20th February. For homework we found things from home that are special to us. We then brought those boxes into school to talk about with our friends.
