
St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Aspire to be more


Art of Maths Gallery

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It was lovely to have so many visitors viewing our artwork created during Art of Maths week.

Art of Maths Gallery

Whole School TT Rockstar Day - what great fun we all had!

Amazing Book Character Eggs! World Book Day 2020

Introducing the Grizedale Forest Circuit Climbing Frame

We’re the very first school to have Pentagon Play’s new and amazing Grizedale Forest Circuit Climbing Frame.

The Grizedale has created an exciting atmosphere in our playground. Featuring multiple challenges, it develops the children’s balance, upper and lower body strength, coordination and and gross motor skills.

With so many challenges on one climber, the challenge becomes a group one encouraging cooperation, friendly competition and imaginative play. This results in enhanced communication skills and climbing confidence. 

Year 5 were the first class to play on the Grizedale during a PE lesson – they absolutely loved it!

For this project, we worked with Pentagon Play who design and install outdoor learning environments for schools and nurseries.

You can visit their website here –  and see our Youtube video of the first playtime here :

Mass for St Peter and St Paul - 29th June 2018

Dance from the heart 2018


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Here is a taster of whole school events at St Anne's.  On our class pages you will find plenty more photographs documenting life around St Anne's - do pay them a visit!
