
St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Aspire to be more

2019 -2020

World book day - egg book characters.

Testing our penguin parachutes.

Learning wartime dances.

Peel, chop, cut - making our fruit kebabs.

Mrs Websdell brought in her fostered hedgehog called Hugo.

Our special guest speaker told us about his wartime memories.

The Giant Turnip - Drama

Design Technology - We made moving picture Christmas cards.

We shared our stories with friends in reception class.

RE - Judaism - Moses said, “Let my people go!” But Pharaoh said, “NO!”

Dressed up and ready for evacuation day.

Anti bullying assembly. Change starts with us!

October 2019 Making penguins using modelling techniques.

Year One Curriculum

Follow the link below to view the Curriculum Maps for Year 1.
