
St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Aspire to be more


We are very proud of our smart uniform at St. Anne’s. The uniform has stayed the same for a number of years. A couple of years ago, our children and parents were asked if they would like to change the uniform to include the popular polo- shirts. The answer was a definite no!


Most items of uniform can be purchased from generic retailers. Items with the school logo and school ties, can be purchased from Impressions Uniform on Leyland Lane, Leyland or NU:uniforms on Market Street, Chorley.




Boys                                                                          Girls

White shirt                                                                White shirt

School red and gold tie                                          School red and gold tie

Royal blue school jumper with logo                     Royal blue school jumper/cardigan with logo

Grey or black trousers or shorts in summer      Grey skirt/school trousers or pinafore

Black shoes – not trainers                                     Black shoes – not boots

Grey, black or white socks                                     Grey, black or white socks or tights


P.E. kit                                                                 Girls Summer uniform

House Coloured t-shirt  with logo                   Blue gingham dress (Summer/Early Autumn term)

Black or blue shorts

Navy track suit top with school logo

Navy track suit pants

Black pumps


We do hold a limited stock of second-hand items in school - please ask at the School Office. We also gladly receive donations of good-quality second-hand uniform.



Shoulder length or longer hair should be neatly tied back. We do ask that hair products eg. gel, coloured braids and closely shaved and shaved patterns are to be saved for the school holidays.



The only jewellery that should be worn to school is a watch. Earrings, necklaces, rings and bracelets are not permitted for health and safety reasons.
