
St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Aspire to be more

2018 - 2019

BBT and celebrating trying 100% in our tests!!

UCLAN, Science and Industry Festival 2019

The finale!

Bikeability 2019

Bikeability, Day One!

Good Shepherd Mass 2019

Collective worship

Debating Deforestation! A group of very passionate pupils who care greatly about the future of our planet! Well done, Class Five!

Aren't they gorgeous!! A fantastic evening at the Guild Hall and once again the behaviour of the children was exemplary!! A memory that they will treasure for a very long time, I hope!

Exploring our new RE topic - Sacrifice

FANTASTIC morning at Leyland Trucks! We all had a brilliant time learning all about the history of Leyland Trucks and how the trucks are made! Fascinating place!

A-MA-ZING!! We were so proud of you!! Well done!

Spring Term Two: ATHLETICS!!!

Sponsored Bounce!! Thank you so much for all the very kind donations!

Space homework!! A great big 'THANK YOU' to all the children who created some fabulous pieces of Space homework!! Well done!!

Our Christmas stars of the day...

Our lovely choir went to spread the Christmas cheer in TESCO today! Well done to them all!

Thank you so much for all of the recent donations that have come into school! We really do appreciate them all.

The children brought so many smiles to so many people this morning! Merry Christmas to our lovely neighbours!

Our Jackson Pollock work!

Is Stonehenge a giant sundial? In science we learned about how Stonehenge might have been used to track the passing of the seasons. We made our own sundials (which didn't work too well because of cloud) and we created 3D models of Stonehenge on the Ipads.

Our real Christmas tree, filled with our very own Christmas decorations!!

We have made our own Christmas decorations out of clay, we then painted them and some of us covered them in glitter!! They look fabulous!!

Our fabulous, Money Mentors!

We have been very to lucky to have money experts in teaching us about money. As well as thinking more about our wants and needs! The children learnt so much and really enjoyed our first session. We are looking forward to our next session in the new year!

Here are a couple of our displays before we take them down and move on to our next topic!

We wish you could smell it! It was soo good! We didn't get many pictures because we were enjoying our food so much, but here's a couple of the end product!!

Remembrance Day, 100th Anniversary xxx

In science we have been learning about how the earth revolves around the sun and rotates on its own axis.

Still image for this video

We have started with looking at match and mirror balances in Gymnastics! The children are fantastic at using their core tension to create great shapes!

We have been making, Friendship Jars. We thought about all the properties that a friendship should have and created a jar full of the qualities that we thought were important in a valued friendship!!

The whole of KS2 had a fantastic afternoon learning all about our British Values and Democracy! They got to vote on their voting pods and had a great workshop on, how our vote counts!! Our visitor commented on our wonderful behaviour and couldn't remember a better behaved school!! Well done, children!

The more you read, the more you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go! Dr Seuss

Class Five have been creating their own national anthem for our school! Watch this space...

After just three weeks, our hockey skills are really improving! We have been focusing on travelling with the ball and establishing good 'sending skills'!

We all had a FANTASTIC afternoon celebrating the, 'European Day of Languages' with Mrs Ward from St Mary's. An afternoon of laughs, lanugages, Eiffel tower making and amazing facts!!

Members of class five getting to grips with the gravity of the situation during a science lesson.

Some of our class five children joined in for fitness club and had a great time! Well done!

Today we have started looking at all the components that make our wonderful; United Kingdom! Looking at the similarities and differences of using Google maps and an atlas!

Our dreaming photo's are up!!

Back stage when creating our dreaming pictures!!

In Come and See, we have been discussing the need for a peacemaker. At times we rely on others to solve our problems, when sometimes talking through these ourselves would really help understanding the issues!

Team work makes the dream work!! We're having a great time!

Welcome back!!!
