
St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Aspire to be more

2017 -2018

Lancashire Memories - a History talk with Jimmy.

Invertebrate Hunt for our Science work

Mere Sands Woods - what a great day out. We found lots of insects and pond animals today, and made amazing dens. Take a look for yourself...

Can't beat the Heat? Then join it! Water Play in Year four.

Lancashire Memories - learning about the past.

UCLAN Day - learning about developing technology in the world around us.

Dance from the Heart! The sun came out and we enjoyed bustin' a move!

Y4's outdoor classroom and story time. We made animals from materials we found - can you tell what they are?

A super fun filled sport's day for all! The children and their parents had a great time and we all cheered each other on in our races.

Congratulations Harry and Meghan! Enjoy your Wedding Day!

Royal Wedding Artwork

Our sponsored bounce in Y4 - the most bounces in 1 minute were 96!

The Life Caravan visits Y4 and we learn that 'It's Good to be ME!'

Our Growing competition. Whose sunflower is the tallest so far?

RE; we were acting out Peter and John's courage when they were arrested and had to talk to the assembly.

Science! We are investigating how to measure the Carbon Dioxide in a fizzy drink - we enjoyed getting rid of the gas!

Straight back to school and writing our Adventure stories already ... I wonder where they will take us?

Y4's Egyptian Museum - we had visitors from Y2 and our parents came after school too. We all learnt a lot!

Did you know the word for cat in Egyptian is 'meow'? Look at our meows ...

This weather is snow joke! (sorry!)

Introducing our Crocodile from the River Nile to Y4, he was visiting us and posing for our art lesson! I saw some super sketching!

St Anne's Golden Anniversary Mass - 50 years of our wonderful school, celebrated with our community.

Y4's Egypt Day. We had a real life Egyptologist visit us and we learnt so much ...

Maths week! We have been learning about Salvador Dali and the maths we can see in his paintings. This lesson was all about symmetry in drawing, cutting and patterns.