
St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Aspire to be more


Welcome to the section of the website where you can find out more about the school’s governors, and the work that we do.

Our main role is to support the Headteacher and the staff – the phrase often used to describe this role is ‘a critical friend’. We help them to set and reach targets and to strive for excellence across the whole spectrum of school life. The two key documents used for this are the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and the Self Evaluation Form (SEF). The SIP sets out the strategic plan for the school, with targets that everyone works towards and the SEF sets out how well the school is doing and where we aim to make improvements.

Our legal duties include:-

  • setting strategic direction, policies and objectives
  • approving the school budget
  • reviewing progress against the school's budget and objectives
  • appointing, challenging and supporting the Headteacher

The Governing Body meets at least once every term. We have separate committees to look at particular issues (such as Curriculum, Staffing, Buildings, Finance and Standards and Effectiveness). All governors are informed about what happens at these committee meetings.

There are several categories of governor, appointed by different groups that have an interest in the school. These are Foundation governors, the Local Authority (“LA”), Parents, and Staff. All governors have equal status, however they are appointed.

We are committed to providing an excellent environment for all pupils to enjoy during their time at our school.

Meet Our Governors

John Mills B.Ed (Hons),MA in SEN (Merit)

Chair Of Governors


I am married to Sue and we have lived in Leyland for over 30 years. Our children attended St Anne’s Primary and St. Mary’s High School.

I was Primary/Secondary trained at Worcester College, Worcester.

I taught at Lytham St. Annes’s High School and then Witton Park High School, Blackburn (Now an Academy) until retirement - Now Vice-chair of Governors at Witton Park Academy.

I taught Geography and Mathematics at Witton Park High School and was actively involved with the Special Needs Department. I was also the Senior Behaviour Manager over-seeing the five Heads of Year.


I am a practising Catholic and attend Mass at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Leyland. In 2014-2015 I was President of The Catenian Association - South Ribble Circle 347, and am very active in a variety of church activities.


I believe passionately in our vision ‘Aspire to be more’ and to quote Pope Francis “Catholic educational institutions offer to all an approach to education that has as its aim the full development of the person, which responds to the right of every person to access to knowledge.” Here at St. Anne’s all staff, governors and parents work tirelessly to achieve these aims. Our children are our future.


I am also a season ticket holder at Preston North End.

Mrs Jennifer Bluck

Vice Chair

LA Governor


Having had a happy, successful education at St Anne's myself and being a member of St Marys Parish I feel honoured to serve as Vice Chair and Local Authority Governor on the governing committee at St Anne's.


In the past I have had parental links with the school, all three of my boys attended St Anne's and have now moved on in their education.


I have an active role in school as I am a qualified primary school teacher currently teaching as a supply teacher. I also teach using an initiative called 'Forest School' delivering the curriculum in outdoor settings. I use my expertise in a consultancy role offering support to other who have an interest in ‘Forest School’. My love of the ‘outdoors’ has also led to me working for Lancashire Outdoor Education, based at Hothersall Lodge, where I can impart my passion for learning using an outdoor environment.


I use my experience and interests to support and challenge the school. I am very proud of being part of such a committed group of staff, governors and parents, and enthused by the way the school has developed and continually strives to improve the education and experiences offered to our children and their families.

Louise Martin

Foundation Governor


I have served on the Governing Body for 16 years, initially as parent representative and later as a Foundation Governor. I am an active member of St Mary’s parish and I am currently employed at St Mary’s High School as Business Manager after 15 years’ service in a community primary.

Lesley Raven

Foundation Governor


I have been married to Chris for 36 years and I am a mother of two and granny of one. I have been very involved in Parish life at St Mary's for over 30 years. I have been employed in the parish for 24 years as Parish Administrator. I am pleased and proud to have been asked on to the governing body here at St Anne's and I will do my best to support the staff , parents and pupils.



Mrs Cara Adams

Foundation Governor


Having taught at St Anne's for 18 happy years, I am proud to serve as a Foundation Governor on the school's Governing Body. I am delighted to be the Religious Education Governor, as the Catholic life of the school and the teaching of RE are of particular interest to me.Whilst teaching, I gained a lot of experience in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. I continue to remain very interested in all aspects of primary education and school life. By using my knowledge and experience, I will do my best to encourage, support and challenge the school. Currently, I am enjoying life as a full-time Mum and spending time with my daughter. I am a practising Catholic and attend Mass at St Mary's Church with my family. 

Mrs Jackie Matthews

Foundation Governor


I am currently serving my first ever term as a Foundation governor and I was delighted to renew my association with the school. Three of my children attended St Anne’s and during their time at school, I was an active member of the PTFA, serving as chair and treasurer.
I have been married for 41 years and have 4 children and 4 grandchildren and have lived in Leyland for 28 years. I am now retired but until 2011, I taught Maths at St Mary’s High school for 24 years, 15 years as Head of Maths. I am a practising Catholic and take an active interest in parish activities, in particular, helping with the first Holy Communion and Confirmation programmes. My children enjoyed their time at St Anne’s and their time there contributed to the successes they have achieved and I hope that I can support the staff at the school to make it an equally enjoyable, rich and rewarding experience for the children in our care today.

Mrs K Cleece

Parent Governor


I’m Katy and I have 2 children currently at St Anne’s and my youngest will join in 2024. I have lived in leyland for 18 years now, and been married to Mick for 13 years. My career has largely been working with children and families and I am passionate about improving outcomes for all children, so that they can reach their full potential. I am the event director for Worden Park junior parkrun which is a free weekly run open to all 4-14 year olds, and I love encouraging children to engage in activities that improve health and fitness that is inclusive and fun.

Mrs L Marsden

Parent Governor


Having been a pupil of St. Anne's (a few years ago!) and now having my own child in the reception class, I was pleased to have the opportunity to become a parent governor. 


At the moment I am thoroughly enjoying my time as a full-time mum. Before this I worked in the SEND department of a secondary school for 9 years as the Intervention Coordinator, supporting pupils in developing their literacy skills. My husband is a Headteacher and so education is always a topic for discussion at home! 


I am looking forward to being able to support the school in being the best we can be for our children and their families. 
