After using the first month of our time in school to settle in and become used to our new school environment, the day finally came, mid-way through October, to have our very first, formal PE lesson. We were all super excited for this. The main focus for this first part of the session was to learn about how to be safe in the hall and why we have to be careful when using the apparatus. We then practiced doing this by running within a square marked out by cones to learn how to negotiate space whilst jogging. As part of our focus on nocturnal animals we then thought about how various nocturnal animals move around their environments and we performed a series of movements in relation to this. We all had a great time and we look forward to many more active, fun filled sessions to come!
Our first PE session!
On a cold blustery Tuesday in mid October we had the exciting opportunity of being able to get up, close and personal with some intersting farm animals on our very own school field. We had a visit from a mobile farm in which we got to stroke Rabbits, Ducks, Alpaccas, Goats, and we also got to see and feed some hens. We had a great time learning about all the different animals and discussing what they felt like. We also got to see Mr Jones and Ms Bateson race 2 Alpaccas down the field which was very amusing - we were all happy to see Mr Jones cross the finish line first! Not only did we get to stroke the different animals but we also got to feed the goats which felt both unusual and exciting. To finish our session we got to see how the animals were put back in the trailer ready to return to the farm. Mr Jones was given the challenge of sheperding the last goat into the trailer which he did eventually after being given a bit of a run a round! All in all we had a very enjoyable time seeing the animals and meeting our class link Governor Mrs Matthews who joined us for the afternoon.
Bowland Farm Visit 14.10.14
Bonfire Night Focus
3.11.14 - 5.11.14
As part of our focus on bonfire night we got opportunity if we wanted to to contribute to a class bonfire night scene using powder paints and various mark making tools such as kitchen rolls, paintbrushes and even toothbrushes. Being able to mark make and get creative on a large scale is something we love to do and what a fantastic and colourful night scene it turned out to be. This night scene will provide the background to our bonfire night focus display so make time to come and have a look in the classroom over the next few weeks!
Creating a bonfire night scene!
We used large coloured chalks to make some wonderful firework pictures. During our carpet times in the lead up to this activity we had spent talking about the sounds fireworks make and also what different ones look like in the sky. We came up with some 'wow words' to describe bonfire night and fireworks such as, 'crackle', 'pop', 'sparkly' ' 'whistling'. This then led us to be creative in using the chalks to create our pictures making our own representations of a firework display and most importantly making links with our own experiences!
Firework Chalk Pictures
On the day of Bonfire Night we all helped to make some large firework rockets. Mr Jones presented with 2 boring and ordinary cardboard tubes but we made sure they didn't stay like that for long. We all got very busy and creative with Ms Bateson using various colourful materials such as tissue paper, sequins, silver string and coloured card to turn these cardboard tubes into something special! This activity also gave us the inspiration to make our own rockets in creative area and we made some brilliant fireworks.
Making Large Firework Rockets!!!
Remember Remember the 5th of November.....
To top off our focus on Bonfire Night we learnt the well known rhyme 'Remember Remember' in just 2 days! Alongside learning this rhyme we also listened to the story of Guy Fawks to understand the true meaning and purpose of Bonfire Night and why to this day we set off Fireworks to celebrate the occasion! Enjoy :-)
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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