
St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Aspire to be more

From Farm to Fork

TESCO 'Eat Happy Project'.


This term, every Class in school will experience a visit to our local TESCO superstore, to learn about how their food gets onto the shelves and into their homes. Class 5's visit was very informative and well supported by adults who were very keen to support this visit. Alongside Mrs Smith and Mrs Coy, the children were well looked after by Barry our School Crossing Patrol, our Class Governor and a grandparent, all of whom are very involved with many aspects of our school.


Activity 1

First of all, the children met Jade, who would guide them around the store. They saw the warehouse where the food and non-food items were waiting to go into the shop. The medicines were locked away in a metal cage and the visit to the frozen food area was very chilly and very quick! Recycling is a priority for the company. 


Activity 2

After a brief walk around, it was time to return to the bakery to collect dough balls ready to make pizza. New and interesting ingredients were available for the children to be adventurous with their toppings.

Activity 3

Carrying the trays very carefully, it was off to the ovens back in the bakery.

Activity 4

Next stop, the cheese counter, where everyone got the chance to taste unusual cheese and bread. The point of the children trying new tastes is so that they try different foods and widen theirs and their family's choices. 

Activity 5

Now it was time to investigate exactly where some of our food comes from. Fruits and vegetables originate from all over the world. It was time to select some of each, identify where they came from, take them to the checkout and learn how to use the cash till; everyone had a turn.


Whilst waiting to play the part of a checkout operator, the children completed a worksheet to identify how their fruits and vegetables were grown.  

Finally, having collected freshly cooked pizzas and goodie bags, it was time to say goodbye to Jade and set off back to school.


"Thank you Jade!"
