
St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Aspire to be more

2018 - 2019

Class 2 Assembly - Victorian Seaside Holidays

the children worked really hard to design, cut out and sew a puppet from the story The Wind in the Willows. They all did their own sewing and made a fantastic job!

The Grizedale - the new climbing frame

The children had a visit from Mr Parkinson, the mole man, who brought some moles into class for the children to touch and investigate. They learnt al lot about how the moles live and their habitats.

Curriculum Letter Summer 1 2019

Easter display showing the children's work from our Come and See Lent and Easter topic.

The children worked hard to investigate whether the power of chemicals inside a potato and a lemon were enough to make a bulb light up. We succeeded in getting a faint glow from one groups bulb.

The children used coloured water to see if a flower stem would still suck up water once it has been cut. As you can see, the blue and red colours have worked particularly well and produced some very pretty flowers.

In the glorious Spring sunshine, the children enjoyed being out in the school garden, planting bulbs and seeds, as part of their science topic this half term

The children learnt about Palm Sunday and then re-enacted Jesus's ride in to Jerusalem on the donkey. They enjoyed waving their palm branches and shouting 'Hosanna'

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The chuldren have now moved onto to using the instruments to improvise and make their own accompanyment to the music.

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The children had fun in their workshop with the author Gemma Lees where they made their own books.

The children listened to the pulse of the song and then tried to copy sounds on the chime bars.

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The winner and other entrants for the World Book Day potato decorating competition. Everybody did a fantastic job.

Class 2 enjoy singing in their music lessons

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Enjoying PE outside in the blazing February sunshine

Gerard paid us a visit from Paul's Farm shop and talked to us about the fruits and vegetables he sells.

Curriculum Letter Spring 2 2019

The children had fun bouncing on Sponsored Bounce day

Our art session was linked to our history topic work and we developed our clay moulding skills to make statues of either Neil Armstrong or Christopher Columbus

The children wrote their own adventures stories about Bob, the man from the Moon

Class 2 used their colour mixing skills to paint a portrait of Christopher Columbus

A message from Bob, the man on the moon.

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Colour mixing to create secondary colours and then using these colours to demonstrate different tones

The children re-enacted the last supper as part of our RE topic ‘Eucharist’

The children used their measuring skills in their maths lesson

Class 2 started their new English work this week and were given the challenge of finding out facts about the moon. They use the ipads as well as books and wrote down what they found out to display on our working wall.

Class 2 have been thinking about healthy eating and how to make a helathy snack. They designed, made and evaluated a Rainbow wrap. Many children ,earnt how to chop vegetables safely and the right amount of food to put in a wrap. They all did a great job.

Curriculum Letter Spring 1 2019

Happy New Year 2019

In our PSHE lesson, the children dramatised a scenario between friends that demonstrated how we make others feel.

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Year 2 had a lovely visit from Year 4 this week who came into class and read their fantastic stories to the younger children. The stories were fiction stories and were really well written. Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their visit.

The children started their new science topic this week - Fighting Fit. They started the topic with a tasting session of unusual fruits and vegetables to taste and describe. These included pomelo, persimmon, radish and celery

The Fire Brigade visited Class 2 this week and taught the children all about the importance of having a smoke alarm at home, working out a fire plan in case there is a fire at home and also how we shouldn't play with matches.

The whole school made clay poppies this week to coincide with the 100 year anniversary of the end of World War 1. The painted poppies will be on display in the entrance hall.

The children wrote their own instructions using Bossy Verbs and then passed them on to their class mates to follow. they had great fun making their sandwiches and also helped to edit the instructions they were following.

St Anne's Open Evening. The children performed the dance they had been learning with the Morris Men brilliantly.

The children had a great time exploring the great outdoors with Miss Orme and the Forest School activities

Having fun with the parachute in PE

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We looked at old vehicles made by the Leyland Motor company and then designed our own. We drew our inspoiration from the old vehicles and used axles and wheels to make them move.

In PE we have been developing our ’striking’ skills.’

The children learnt about creation in RE Come and See. They painted and drew their own creation to celebrate God’s beautiful world.

Welcome Wednesday. Lovely to see so many parents enjoying time in school with their children.

Playing the maths games - Exchange Up and Exchange Down - ready for addition and subtraction

Leyland Morris Men

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The Leyland Morris Men came into school as part of our history topic ‘The Place Where I Live’. The children really enjoyed learning a few moves!

Our historical walk around Leyland was a great success and the children learnt a lot of interesting facts from their guide Dr David Hunt.

Practicing playing along with a tune

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Class 2 Recorder lesson

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By using bead strings, the children were able to round numbers to the nearest multiple of ten.

The children worked on place value using a variety of different maths equipment
