
St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Aspire to be more

Curriculum Maps and Intent Statements

St Anne's Curriculum

Curriculum Maps

Curriculum Intent Statement:


At St. Anne’s Catholic Primary school, we believe that our curriculum should provide children with the opportunities to aspire to be more, in an environment which is rooted in our Catholic values and respect for each other. 


We aim to achieve this though a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum, which provides children with the knowledge and skills that they need to be open to their future possibilities. Our curriculum is driven by the aim to enable children to understand the cultural context of where they are, through the arts and culture in our society, so that they can be inspired by the opportunities around them. Our cross-curricular approach allows children to make meaningful links with their learning, build on prior knowledge and aspire for their future.


Our school equips children with the ability to hone their knowledge and skills so that they may be inquisitive and aspirational. The curriculum is designed to support our children to overcome any barriers to learning which they may face and encourages them to be ambitious learners.  We work hard to ensure our curriculum meets the needs of all learners, including those with SEND (in line with the Equality Act 2010).


When children leave St Anne’s, they have the awareness and initiative to achieve their full potential, rooted in our Catholic faith and values of respect and kindness.


As a Catholic School, we follow the Religious Directory 'To Know You More Clearly'.

Please click on the link below to find out more about RE and Catholic Life at St. Anne's.

At St Anne's the phonics scheme that we use is called Read, Write, Inc. If you need to know more about this scheme then speak to your child's teacher. 

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

At St Anne's the PSHE curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of our children. We have developed our curriculum ensuring that the statutory requirements for PSHE are covered while listening to the views of our children about what they feel is important for them.  We have adopted a question based approach and enriched this with some whole school themes across the year. 

Educational Visits and Visitors

Parents can request a paper copy of any curriculum and policy document from the school office. 

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach, please contact the school directly.
