
St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Aspire to be more

Year Five 2016 -2017

Class Five enjoying Sports Day - Thank you to all the parents that could make it and joined in too! I know the children loved it!

The whole school really enjoyed an 'Outdoor Classroom Day' before half term! We enjoyed the sunshine and learnt loads working in teams, with different classes!

In our Come and See topic we have been studying the Pentecost. We have prepared a four minute script for a radio show, to show the links between the Scripture we have been studying and the belief in God's gift and forgiveness!

An update photo of Class Five :) The sun is out!

Congratulations to Lucy for passing her recent Guitar exam! Whooo!

Our most recent; Shining Star!

Our topic at the moment is Amazon Adventures, we have been looking at the book 'The Great Kapok Tree'. Through this, we have created drama sketches on the relationships between the characters!

Debating deforestation today! Brilliant!

Brockholes nature reserve 2017! Den building, fire lighting and orienteering! 'Best fun we have ever had' - Lucy H, 'Brilliant' - Harrison, 'It couldn't have been any better' - Declan J.

Today, in French, we have been tasting a traditional French breakfast. Some of us loved it; others weren't so keen! Brioche! Mmmm.

We have been working on our travelling and concentrating on holding a balance for more than three seconds! Here's just a couple of examples.

Community Support Assembly on the theme, Criminal Damage. Thank you to all the parents and carers that could come; the children were really glad you could make it!

Run a mile a day they said... it will be fun they said...

Pyjama Day 2017!

Sit back and relax, all you need is a good book! World Book Day 2017!!

“Well done is better than well said.” – Benjamin Franklin

Celebration of Friendship Performance 2017! All 31 children made it and ENJOYED IT! Well done!!!

We are currently looking at 'Memories' in our Come and See topic. We have had some children already bring in photo frames and clothes from when they were babies. So don't forget to bring yours in, if possible!

Congratulations to all the children who achieved their full Behaviour Bonus afternoon!! Spring half term, already! Have a lovely break.

Last day of term; Runshaw College came to visit with two great performances!

Class two visit Class five's space exhibition!!

Space homework!! AMAZING!! Thank you so much to all parents and carers, who have supported the children with their homework this half term!

SWIMMING UPDATE!! NEW KIT NEEDED!! (This applies for the rest of the time we are swimming, 30/03/17)

All the children from St Anne's attended a sports event at St Mary's High School. The children were separated into countries, the following countries won awards; Third place, USA. Second place, China and first place went to Germany.

another class five member with their; brilliant Bronze Award!!

Class Five have been looking at abstract artists such as, Jackson Pollock and Kandinsky. The children have enjoyed creating their own Art work using the inspiration from these famous artists. As a result, we have identified some fabulous artists within our Class Five family!

A very interesting afternoon with PCSO Tony; over to us now!!

We couldn't help but be proud of Leon's amazing painting!! Fabulous Class Five artist!!!

Our most recent 'Brilliant Bronze Awards'!

Domino challenge!! Well done to Alycia and Calvin; the winners!!

Fabulous filming by, Leon!

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In action!!

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The children showed a bucket full of enthusiasm, determination and energy to our 'Keep Fit for 2017' mission!!

Class Five, back in the library today; enjoying, sharing and reading new books! Happy New Year to all our friends and families! :)

Christmas cupcake making!

Christmas card making ...

Jack and the Beanstalk !! We all had a fantastic time and enjoyed our treat!


Our amazing super heroes that the children created when reflecting upon our 'One Goal' experience!! Fantastic!!

Our next group of, Brilliant Bronze Awards! Well done everybody!

Fractions and decimals? ....... We've got this!!! (and secretly enjoyed it too!)

We have loved looking at 'Goodnight Mr Tom'. We have explored the definitions of difficult words and studied the relationship between the two main characters! As well as this we looked at how we would have reacted in certain situations in the book... Some FABULOUS answers! :)

Maths challenge!!

If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely - ROALD DAHL

Our first 'Shining Star' award goes to, Aiden Bretherton. Well done, Aiden!

Anti-bullying week ...

Brilliant, Bronze Award!

The United Kingdom topic work

Team Building Activities


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