
St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Aspire to be more

Mr Bradshaw's Year 5 Page

Here's where you'll find links to all our work on computing, science, mathematics or the wonderful world of SPAG.
Here's the link to our Year 5 Kidblog page.

Science- Separating mixtures

November 2015 Coding Work

We have been looking at coding. The Hour Of Code is a good starting point to see what we can do with coding as there are twenty tasks that get harder as you go along.  You can visit the Hour Of Code here.


Hour Of Code



Maths- Properties of 2D shape activity

Constructing 3D shapes from nets.

Learning About Spreadsheets

We have been learning about using spreadsheets. We learned how to enter formulae into a prepared spreadsheet and we explored the effects of changing variables. You can download copies of the spreadsheets that we used below.

Excel documents for Year 5 computing lessons.


We have been learning to code using Scratch. You can find out all about it




Or you can get started by having a look at the video below.

Scratch Tutorial 1.mp4

Still image for this video

Here we all are having a good Scratch.
