
St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Aspire to be more

2019 -2020

First day in Y3 and working already!

Light and Shadows - investigating why shadows change during the day. Ask a Y3 child - they'll tell you!

RE - exploring how we are God's Holy people. Drama in groups, showing friendship, love, care, respect and much more.

Performing our own Shadow Puppet Theatre. We made the theatres and the puppets, we created or retold a story and then put on a show.

R.E - Year 3 planned, organised and held their first Collective Worship of the year. The theme was Family.

Year 6 sharing their William Shakespeare Biographies with Y3.

Halloween Horrors!

Heading Back in Time to World War II - the evacuees have finally arrived at their new school.


Good advice from a member of Year 3 about how to deal with things if someone 'dares' you to do something.

Y3 being resilient and working together to solve their Maths Challenge work.

Creating, preparing and cooking a Healthy Pasta sauce in Y3. Evaluating its texture, appearance, smell, taste and purpose. A busy day!

Cave Painting just like Stone Age people!

Building our own Stonehenge .... and eating it!

Sponsored Bounce Madness!

Still image for this video

More bouncing!

Still image for this video

Learning the Lindy Hop - we can't wait to perform it in May!

Position and Direction in Maths - can we use co-ordinates confidently?

Enjoying a visit from South Ribble Council - learning about how to live in a nicer Leyland and how to be a good citizen.

Investigating Magnets! What happens when the North and South poles meet? Do they repel or attract?
