
St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Aspire to be more

2019 -2020

3D Shape Cheat Sheet

World Book Day

On World Book Day we read 'Here we Are' by Oliver Jeffers. It's a guide book for someone who has just be born telling them how life on our planet works! We created posters offering advice to anyone who has just joined the human race.

Sing Together 2020

Don't forget to check out our singing. You can hear use by going to the video resource library by using the 'Children' menu. 

3D shape work.

A creature with a strange face in Year 5!

Jump around. Jump around. Jump up, jump up and get down!

Feeling lifeless? Year 5 can resuscitate you!

Year 5 breaking down the walls and heading outside for some 'outdoor learning' using homemade gnomons- and yes 'gnomons' is a word :)

How are you going to pick up dried pasta using a couple of pencils? By working collaboratively in a PSHE lesson! That's how!

Sing Together

On Monday 2nd March Year 5 will be taking part in 'Sing Together' at King George's Hall in Blackburn at 6pm. Check out the resources below to learn the songs and to purchase tickets directly from the box office. 

Here are the links to some resources to help you learn the songs:


-Rex Rock! sing together slow


T-Rex Rock! Sing Together normal speed.


Only One Sing Together sign language video.

Space. The final frontier.

Still image for this video
We have been learning about how the earth and the moon move relative to the sun. We created stop-motion animations that show the orbit and rotation of the earth and the moon.

Play scripts! Fantastic enthusiasm, expression and tone of voice when performed.

PSHE: Practising meditation and improving our health and well-being

WW2 Christmas Decorations!

Resarching, chopping, cooking, eating and evaluating our Corned Beef hotpot! YUM!!

Excellent balances using their core to steady themselves to hold for three!

Come and See: Exploring how to wait patiently and the advantages this has on our mood.

Perfecting our control using a hockey stick...

Starting a new year looking very smart!
