
St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Aspire to be more

Behaviour Bonus Time

The exploding lunch bag and Fizz inflator! This week in Silly Science for BBT, Years 5 and 6 had to set up experiments using vinegar and baking powder. Lunch bags were exploded and balloons inflated ....but why? What did the chemical reaction between the vinegar and the baking powder produce?

Silly Science - Years 5 and 6 were given the experiment to find out whether their containers really were full. They had to add drops of water from a pipette and count how many they could add before the water over flowed. Some children were surprised to discover that they could add over 200 drops of water! Where did all that water go if their containers were already full to the top?

Behaviour Bonus Time is made up of minutes we earn every day through displaying our fantastic behaviour!

Behaviour Bonus time this term provides the choices of :

Spanish, Debating, Craft, Glockenspiels, Cookery, Board games, Ipads, Yoga, Circuit training and Cross stitch! Lots of fun was had!

A puzzle to solve - Who did Sophie 'face-swap' with ??? surprise

